Sight Reading Tip #2: Use Your Inner Metronome Oct 16, 2024

By Anne Sullivan 

Believe it or not, successful sight reading is less about the notes than about the timing. One proof of this is that traditional sight reading tests given as part of music...

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Sight Reading Tip #1: Why Technique Matters Oct 09, 2024

By Anne Sullivan 

You may think sight reading doesn’t have much to do with your technique. But here’s the simple fact: you can't sight read a passage fluently if you can't play it....

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Why You Need to Be a Good Sight Reader Oct 02, 2024

By Anne Sullivan 

You’ve heard about opportunity knocking. It’s not just a saying, it happens. I know because it’s happened to me, and I see opportunity come along for...

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Choosing a College? 5 Things You Need to Know Sep 25, 2024

By Anne Sullivan  

Are you a high school junior or senior getting ready to seriously consider a college choice? Maybe you’re not quite at that stage yet, but you’re starting...

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Mini-Practice Ideas for Maxed Out Students Sep 18, 2024

By Anne Sullivan 

You can only do so much in a day.

You’ve got school, sports, homework and that’s just the beginning. Your days are jam-packed already, and you haven’t even...

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5 Ways to Make the Harp Feel New This Fall Sep 11, 2024

By Anne Sullivan 

In September when it feels like you have a fresh start on everything else, you might want to try a fresh start with your harp studies as well. Of course, there is always...

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Your Back-to-School Assignment Sep 04, 2024

“What did you do this summer?”

That’s the traditional “first day of school” question. It used to be the first school assignment of the year, too, to write an essay...

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How to Arrange Anything, Step Three: Adding Bling Aug 28, 2024

By Anne Sullivan 

Let’s review what we've done so far in our “How to Arrange Anything” series.

  • We started by identifying the structure of the piece: the introduction, the...
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How to Arrange Anything, Step 2: Color In the Outline Aug 21, 2024

By Anne Sullivan

Your arrangement starts with finding the basic structure, the outline of the piece. That’s what I described in last week’s blog. If you played that basic structure, it...

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How to Arrange Anything, Step One: Find the Structure Aug 14, 2024

By Anne Sullivan 

Are you ready to try your hand at arranging your favorite song?

Maybe you’ve already tried arranging, and although you’re pleased with the results, you wonder if...

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Inspiration for Your Music Stand Aug 07, 2024

By Anne Sullivan 

Is your music stand just holding your music? 

What if I told you your music stand could actually inspire you in your practice each day? You’d probably think...

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How to Make Your Music Tell a Story Jul 31, 2024

By Anne Sullivan 

It’s a dark summer night and you’re sitting outside under the stars with some friends. The campfire is dying and you can hear the sounds of nature around you as...

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