Back to School with the SOS Practice Plan
Sep 06, 2023
It’s September and the school year has started.
A new school year is always a little exciting: new classes, new activities, new friends, new opportunities. Along with all the fun, however, is the new load of schoolwork, extracurricular activities and sports.
So when is a harpist supposed to practice?
Balancing your responsibilities - both musical and non-musical - is a difficult task and one that harpists of every age struggle with. You may feel swamped or overwhelmed, but with a little planning and creativity, you can come through this spring with flying colors. That’s where my SOS Practice Plan comes in. It’s three simple steps:
- Schedule your practice. At the beginning of each week, review your calendar to remind yourself what is coming up. Then identify the times during the week that you will have to practice. Write those times in your calendar, just the way you would enter a lesson or a concert. Your practice is an appointment with your harp and you can’t afford to miss it.
- Organization and Order. You will use your practice time more effectively if you organize it. What’s essential to practice today? This week? What can wait until next week? Plan your time carefully and then stick to your plan. If you only have 45 minutes to practice, be sure to spend that time on the things that really matter.
- Support. You don’t get extra points for going it alone. Be sure to ask for help from your parents and your teacher. Adults have experience doing this kind of balancing act, and they likely have great advice for you. Plus they may be able to help you sort out what must be done now from what may be done later and help you make a plan. In addition, they care for you and want you to succeed. So let them help you!
There’s no need to feel overwhelmed. Let the SOS Plan come to your rescue!
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