You don't have to spend hours to develop a speedier technique. You just need to know what to do. And you can do it in just a few minutes a day.
What if you could make the building blocks of your technique stronger, so you could play faster, more accurately, and with a better just 5 minutes a day???
5 Essential Techniques is exactly that... a series of short technical workouts that cover 5 critical building blocks of harp technique. In just 5 short, easy-to-follow lessons, you can strengthen your technique, or build it from scratch, if that’s where you are.
Here’s how it works:
The course has 5 lessons, each with an instructional video, a play-along/demonstration video and printable sheet music. So you can be sure you will understand the concepts and how to play the drills, some of the demonstration videos are longer than 5 minutes, but the exercises don't take more than that to play once you learn them.
Plus, each lesson has a separate warmup exercise with its own printable music and playalong video so you can review the material as you go. Even better, you can work at your own pace so you don't have to take time away from your regular practice.
Here's what's inside the course:
- Lesson 1: Scales
- Lesson 2: Intervals
- Lesson 3: Chords
- Lesson 4: Arpeggios
- Lesson 5: Flow
- All the videos and PDFs you need to get this done!